Friday, February 12, 2010

Sistem Operasi shell script

Contoh koding sederhana yang digunakan untuk penjumlahan dan inputan nama



declare -i num
echo $num



let num=6+num
echo $num



echo -n "Masukkan nama anda : "
read nama
echo -e "Hallo $nama, Selamat Datang Di Linux Mas Yulius he"

Dalam lingkungan unix, kata 'shell' mengacu pada semua program yang dapat dijalankan pada command line

Shell script merupakan kumpulan perintah yang disimpan pada suatu file teks (berisi unix command, informasi mengenai input dan output, dan perintah)

Extensi umumnya *.sh

Sitematika Penulisan
Baris pertama #!/bin/sh adalah MUTLAK diperlukan dan HARUS agar file yang anda buat dikenali sistem sebagai shell script.
Ket :
Tanda '#!' >>> 'shebang' operator
'/bin/sh' >>> lokasi file binari atau program

install snmp di linux

Perintah - perintah yang dipakai untuk install SNMP di linux

install snmp :
-[root@yulius]#tar -zxvf net-snmp-5.1.1.tar.gz
-[root@yulius]#mv net-snmp-5.1.1 snmp
-[root@yulius]#umask 022
-[root@yulius]#make install
-[root@yulius]#vi /usr/local/share/snmp/snmpd.conf

com2sec public default public
group public v1 public
group public v2c public
group public usm public
view all included .1
access public "" any noauth exact all none none

-[root@yulius]#netstat -pln | grep snmpd
-[root@yulius]#snmpwalk -v 1 -c public localhost system

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Expert System

Expert system is a system which employs human knowledge perceived by computer to solve particular problems – which is normally done by human. As far as I know, possible components existing in the expert system comprise of, Knowledge Base, Inferencing Machine, Blackboard, User Interface. The followings are detailed explanations of each;

  1. Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base consists of a set of knowledge for understanding, formulation, and problem-solving. Knowledge Base requires two elements; Facts such as situation, theories concerning the areas, and Special Heuristic or Rules which bridge each chunk of knowledge in order to solve specific problems in a certain domain.

  1. Inferencing Machine

l The key factor or the brain of the expert system is an inferencing machine which is also known as a control structure or a rule interpreter (rule-based expert system). This component basically is a computer program which provides methodology to the reasoning of the information in the base of knowledge and blackboard, and for conclusion formulation. This component explains how to devise the knowledge system through building an organizing agenda and building steps to solve problems whenever needed

  1. Blackboard
  2. User Interface

Expert System contains processor language for more user-friendly communication and focuses on the problems between users and computer. Such a communication can be well-accomplished through natural language. In certain case, the user interface is combined with menus and graphic.

This, the expert system is a kind of system which employs human knowledge which is recorded in the computer to solve any problems that require human knowledge. Alternatively, it can also be an Information-System-based computer which is meant to achieve high-level decisions, by means of expert knowledge, in a narrow domain.

diposting oleh: yulius wahyu k adi

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